We are so appreciative of your trust in choosing us to help you with your orthopedic health needs. I and my work family, physical therapists, front office and office manager gurus, and therapy techs, want to say THANK YOU.

And of course, a big THANK YOU to all my staff for their contributions that have made us so successful in delivering quality health care. I am honored to have found such an excellent group of people to work with that share my vison to deliver the quality of care I believe everyone deserves.

And now it’s time to move on to a different scenario and I want to let you know about some upcoming changes in my practice.

After August 30, 2024, I will be moving my office to:


The Texas Center for Athletes

21 Spurs Lane, Suite 220

San Antonio, TX 78240.


Our phone number will remain: (210) 616-0646.

I will be downsizing my practice and will no longer be offering on-site physical therapy services but will continue to offer all my other medical services.

This was a very difficult decision.

I have had a long run of over 30 years, in providing the best “MD/PT team approach” for our patients. Those of you who have known me the longest know that Julie Barnett was instrumental in this journey over the decades. She has been an outstanding part of the team during those years to ensure physical therapy services have remained at a premier level. I have also been fortunate to have Elaine Duet-Lee join the physical therapy team over the last several years, who added her own brand of excellence.

With the input of our current physical therapy staff, we have put together a list of several alternative physical therapy centers for you to continue your care. Our current staff is the BEST, and when they land on a new center to continue offering their services, I will certainly refer you to them if you choose.

Moving forward, I hope that you will continue to trust in my practice, my knowledge, and my services, for your non-surgical, orthopedic needs. I will continue to focus on the non-surgical and regenerative options for your care and will always look for the highest standard of care to serve your individual needs.

I appreciate you bearing with us as we go through this transition. You will see changes at the office during August and after August 8, 2024. Remodeling will begin for the new tenants, but we will continue to see patients at this location until August 30, 2024.

After August 30, 2024, patients continuing in physical therapy will be referred to other vetted therapy clinics. I will continue to see you in my new office location after August 30.

Thank you for your understanding during this transition. We will continue to deliver the best quality of care we know you deserve as we move forward.

With much gratitude,

Dr. Z